Planning & Technical Services for Construction Management

Firm : YP Construction Co.
Job Name : - Goverment Project -
City : Ankara
Date Range of Contract : 04.11.2019 - 01.07.2021
Proje :

The total construction area of the project is 15.090.00 m2 and consists of three separate blocks. In this project, Revit and Allplan 3D Modeling software were used together. Allplan 2020/21 software was used for Civil and Architectural studies and Revit 2020 software was used for MEP Disciplines. 4D simulation studies were carried out in the project.
All project Quantities were prepared with Allplan2020/21 and OSKA software. Subcontractor progress payments are arranged according to these quantities.
The Work Program has been prepared at Level-7 with all its details, and weekly progress and all reports have been prepared on the basis of progress payments with the software of Primavera P6. 

All coordination of the project has been done, and Shop-Drawing and As-Built drawings have been produced using the BIM system.

All material information is attached to BIM Projects.

All Construction Project Management, Planning and BIM services were provided by EGİM Grup Proje.